Thursday, January 23, 2014

Teaching & Exhibiting Schedule for 2014

Beading Adventures
This year I am going to be busy with teaching
and exhibiting opportunities and I thought you
would like to see where I will be. 


Date                  Location & Contact__________

Feb. 26-27         Burke Quilters Unlimited, Springfield, VA,

Feb. 21 –           “Beyond Art Selves” a mixed media show presented

March 22           by 2+3 The Artist’s Organization at the Armory Art
                        Center, 1700 Parker Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL

March 4-31         One Woman Show in Lobby Gallery, Ft. Lauderdale

                        City Hall, 100 N. Andrews, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

April 12              Ocean Waves Quilter’s Guild, Miami, FL


August 9            Hibiscus Quilt Guild, Lake Worth, FL



For more information about the workshops and lectures that I present go to my website:

I hope to see you on my travels this year!



Thursday, January 16, 2014

Musings…Where I’ve Been and Where I Am Going

Dragonfly Thoughts
This has been a birthday week for me.  Having a birthday so close to the beginning of a new year causes you to continue the self-searching and goal setting a little longer.  It is also the birthday of my quilting business.

 That started me thinking about where I have been.  I began Adventures in Quilting in 1995 when I started teaching quilting classes at the corporate headquarter JoAnns store in Hudson, Ohio.  I also taught for quilting guilds in the Northeastern Ohio region.  There were 60 guilds at that time.  I can’t believe I have been teaching quilting for 19 years!  Back when I started I was quilting while my kids were in elementary school.  I used to plan classes, quilt, and get ready for Girl Scout meetings in the few hours before they came home.  A lot of creativity was packed into a short period of time!

 Recently I was going through files and I found contracts and class descriptions from 1995.  Some of the contracts were hand written!  That got me thinking…remember a time when you only had dial up internet, no cell phones, Slooooowwwwww computers with not much memory!  I remember I would log on to check my email and then go put a load of wash in; when I came back I might be connected!  Now we have wireless connections and DSL and very fast connections and can even take pictures with our cell phones, and transfer them to the internet in a snap!!

Butterfly Dreams

The last trip I took I wore out the luggage I bought when I first started teaching nationally in 2004.  I have added an additional sewing machine, and the computer has been upgraded many times since I began.  Teaching has changed some also.  Slide shows are now power-point presentations, some national teachers have video cameras and project their demonstrations on a screen.  This means the class size can be huge, and everyone can still see, but I fear you lose some of the advantages of a smaller class.  Teachers carry more electronics and less quilts.  Of course air travel has changed enormously since 911.  Instructors spend more time in airports and can take fewer books, patterns, and quilts to guilds.  Although the idea of schlepping 75 lbs. of suitcase like they used to, doesn’t sound appealing to me!

Even though some things have changed, the reasons I do what I do have not.  I still love to teach quilters something new.  To see their excitement when they learn a new technique or get a new idea they want to try.  To inspire them to create through producing great patterns and quilts is still fun for me.
This year I want to spend less time on the computer and more time with the sewing machine so that I get that same creative boost I had in the beginning of this adventure.  I want to travel and then spend time with the photos I take thinking about how they could be translated into quilts.  I need to balance my activities so that I find time for the creative in the midst of the required. 

I am looking at a really busy year with lots of opportunities, and I hope it will also include creative time to recharge.  I am finding that I get really grumpy when I don’t have quilting time.
Follow me in a more creative year…….

Friday, January 3, 2014

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Merry Christmas
& Happy New Year!
I know that this is late, but I didn’t want to start 2014 without saying goodbye to 2013!  Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I don’t know what happened to December, between working, having company and two trips in 2 months I think I just did the basics and the blog was not part of the picture!
I know that I was madly finishing up knitted scarves and crocheted hats for Christmas presents.  Here is a picture of the hats that everyone got this year.  Called Gloria’s Happy Hat, the pattern by Dora Ohrenstein, was published in Crochet Accessories, Special Issue 2010 by Interweave. 


I love this hat!!  It crochets up in 2 hours and fits great.  I did adjust the pattern a little, by adding an additional row of single crochets to the band.
Here is a photo of me in my happy hat in Germany.

2013, Leigh McDonald
I can tell that 2014 is going to be a very busy year!  I wish you all a
Joyous, Healthy and Happy 2014