Thursday, January 23, 2014

Teaching & Exhibiting Schedule for 2014

Beading Adventures
This year I am going to be busy with teaching
and exhibiting opportunities and I thought you
would like to see where I will be. 


Date                  Location & Contact__________

Feb. 26-27         Burke Quilters Unlimited, Springfield, VA,

Feb. 21 –           “Beyond Art Selves” a mixed media show presented

March 22           by 2+3 The Artist’s Organization at the Armory Art
                        Center, 1700 Parker Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL

March 4-31         One Woman Show in Lobby Gallery, Ft. Lauderdale

                        City Hall, 100 N. Andrews, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

April 12              Ocean Waves Quilter’s Guild, Miami, FL


August 9            Hibiscus Quilt Guild, Lake Worth, FL



For more information about the workshops and lectures that I present go to my website:

I hope to see you on my travels this year!



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