Thursday, October 17, 2013

Halloween is Coming…What or who will you be?

Last year was my first Halloween at the library and the first time I dressed up since I was a kid!  I decided to go as a character in a children’s book; after all I do work in the library. 

Remember Curious George?  I went as the “Man in the Yellow Hat”, the zookeeper that is Curious George’s friend and caregiver.  With a stuffed Curious George attached to my leg and bobbing his head when I moved across the library, I got a lot of attention and laughs.  The little ones hugged and kissed George and tried to coerce him from me!  It was a big hit and I got to wear my cowboy boots to work!

It is fun having Grandkids!  This year one will be Little Red Riding Hood, another Jake from the Disney Pirates, and there’s a possible Princess in the making.  Wish I could see them in person.  Ah well, I will make do with pictures.

So, now I have to figure out what to be this year…hmmm…maybe “Where’s Waldo?”  It’s funny how I seem to pick male characters.

What are you going to be?...


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