Thursday, October 24, 2013

Using Photos as Inspiration…

I use photos as inspiration for a variety of quilts that I make.  Sometimes I use the whole photo, sometimes just a part of a group of photos.  Since I live in a terrific area to get photographs of birds I make a lot of bird quilts.

Here is a green heron photo and a quilt featuring another green heron.  These are smaller birds than the great blue herons and more compact.  They like to fish in the canals here in Florida and they hide from the fish by ducking their heads and by standing very still.  Like all herons here, they also eat small lizards.

I will be giving my Using Photographs as Inspiration for Quilters Lecture to the West Pasco Quilters in Hudson, FL on November 21st. 

The following day I will be teaching a workshop based on one of the quilts in my book called Harvest Moon.  See photo below. 

Check out the West Pasco Quilters here.

See you there!

Happy quilting,


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